Happy Halloween….

Happy Halloween to all!

While a lot of people in the US will unfortunately not be able to celebrate due to the aftermath of “Sandy” , there will be a lot of very excited children trick or treating here tonight and I’m sure many more frustrated parents trying very hard to get them down from a major sugar high from too much candy!

The queen of domestic style,Martha Stewart, always does Halloween in the most tasteful yet imaginative way so I leave you with a few inspirational images …..

Who says Halloween has to be all about orange pumpkins? I LOVE the teal blue as an alternative teamed with black!

all images via marthastewart.com

Superstorm Sandy hits the US….

image via http://www.google.ae

My thoughts and prayers go out to people in the US who are facing Hurricane Sandy..it must be terrifying to say the least.

All we really have to deal with here in the Middle East are some extremely hot summer days and on the very odd occasion, a freak snow fall, but I imagine that it must be really horrifying having to deal with torrential rain, insane wind and storm surges , all in the dark because the power has been knocked out. It certainly makes one realise the frailty of the human race when faced with the devastating strength and power of Mother Nature at her most volatile!

Eid Mubarak to all readers….

image via http://www.emiratesweek.com

Today is the start of the Eid Al Adha break here in the Middle East…..warm wishes to all Muslim readers and  and your families.

I would love to be staying at the wonderful hotel in the image above, the Chedi , in Muscat, but alas, it is not to be, so I will be spending time relaxing and catching up with friends.