Happy 2014….

image via adesigndiary
image via adesigndiary

The New year is upon us and it has given me reason to pause and take stock:

This last year has not been the best year for me work wise and I have ended the year with no projects on the horizon…as someone whose income is directly related to how much work comes in, it makes me a little nervous. I am determined to be positive, however , and I remain convinced that 2014 is going to be a boom year for my particular skills. There is so much going on in Dubai with new projects being announced almost weekly,  and projects which were put on hold during the recession are now being reinstated. I am sure that the next few years will be fantastically busy with challenging and interesting work for my team and I!

image via adesigndiary
image via adesigndiary

I really want to focus on taking time out in 2014..by that I mean completely breaking from design and decoration for a few hours each day. My job has been my sole focus for almost 3 years now and I feel I must make a change to try and create a better life away from work. I have been in Dubai for almost 14 years and sometimes I still feel like I am new to the city…because Dubai is very transient, one never truly feels ” settled” and I have felt this a lot in the last few years.  So for me, 2014 is going to be a more settled year…I do not plan to any travelling until June or July so the first six months will be focused on life at home.

To all my readers…thank you for coming back and checking in…I wish you all a very Happy New  Year..may 2014 be filled with good things and lots of blessings.