A Christmas Feast…

image via http://homedesign.marthastewart.com/
image via http://homedesign.marthastewart.com/

I found this extraordinary image recently while reading Martha Stewart’s blogs…this image is in fact from Kevin Sharkey’s blog, Home Design.

His blog is a great read, with ideas and tips on every page…he is the Senior Vice President and Executive Editorial Director, Decorating, and Executive Creative Director, Merchandising for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc (MSLO).(quite a mouthfull) and he shares his step by step renovations to his apartment on his blog. He is as exacting as Martha is and it is fascinating to read how he created his beautiful home.

Back to the food….I love the colour, the textures and particularly the rustic quality of the whole arrangement .I am thinking a lot about food  preparation and presentation at the moment, with Christmas right around the corner….In a climate which is not at all cold or wintery, this type of feast would be ideal for Christmas and especially great if one were feeding a lot of people….

image via http://www.marthastewart.com/
image via http://www.marthastewart.com               Martha’s  cranberry glazed turkey

We have ordered our ham but I am thinking about also doing a small turkey….after all, one thing I love about Christmas….the left-overs!!We are spending Christmas Eve with friends and she has ordered a 10kg turkey with all the trimmings. In Dubai, the custom is to order a huge turkey from one of the numerous 5 star hotels…they do all the hard work and you collect the turkey cooked, along with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, gravy and sometimes sausages wrapped in bacon! No hostess has to work her fingers to the bone and get frazzled!! Its great..unless you really enjoy cooking your turkey!

I’ve never actually cooked a turkey so it might be a total disaster, but if I do decide to cook one, I will follow Martha’s instructions to the letter and hope for the best!!